Crosstown Bowling Green
Bowling Green Now Open.
(Subject to the lifting of Government restrictions)

Bowling Green Booking System
The online booking system will remain in place for up to a maximum of twelve bowlers on the green at the same time. Three blocks consisting of up to four members per block.
For bowlers, the following restrictions continue to apply:
- The Bowling Green is only open to members and their families to exercise or practice.
- Time slots are available 10am – 8pm each day except when league matches are scheduled and each Friday between 11am and 2pm when the green is closed for maintenance.
- Sessions can only be booked via the website
- Each time slot is for one hour which should be divided as follows:
- 15 mins to arrive and depart
- 45 mins on the green.
(under no circumstances should anyone meet persons from another group)
- Only the bowlers own equipment must be used.
- Members of each block should maintain social distancing (2 metre rule) and keep up to 4 metres between each block or group
- The sanitising equipment must be used before and after each session.
How to Book Your Slot
- Select your day
- Select your timeslot
- Enter your name, email address and contact number
- Enter the names (if any) of the other members in the block.
- Accept our terms and conditions
Bowling Green Now Open.
(Subject to the lifting of Government restrictions)
Bowling Green Booking System
The online booking system will remain in place for up to a maximum of twelve bowlers on the green at the same time. Three blocks consisting of up to four members per block.
For bowlers, the following restrictions continue to apply:
- The Bowling Green is only open to members and their families to exercise or practice.
- Time slots are available 10am – 8pm each day except when league matches are scheduled and each Friday between 11am and 2pm when the green is closed for maintenance.
- Each time slot is for one hour which should be divided as follows:
- 15 mins to arrive and depart
- 45 mins on the green.
(under no circumstances should anyone meet persons from another group)
- Only the bowlers own equipment must be used.
- Members of each block should maintain social distancing (2 metre rule) and keep up to 4 metres between each block or group
- The sanitising equipment must be used before and after each session.
How to Book Your Slot
- Select your day
- Select your timeslot
- Enter your name, email address and contact number
- Enter the names (if any) of the other members in the block.
- Accept our terms and conditions

Last Update – 4th March 2021